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Bulletproof or Stabproof Armor: Which is Right For You?

Bulletproof armor and Stabproof armor

In this world where active shootings seem to be a common occurrence and with violence becoming more prevalent than ever, it has become imperative to invest in high-quality body armor that can protect you from any unwanted and unpredictable harm that may come your way.

As far as body armor is concerned, there are several options available for you. You can opt for ballistic protection, spike (stab) protection, or edged blade (slash) protection.

What makes them important, anyway? Which one should you get for you and your family? We answer these questions in this blog post.

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Can Civilians Buy and Wear Body Armor?

Silhouette of Civilians walking in a hallway

In this article, we’re zeroing in on body armor for civilians - covering the legalities of buying and wearing body armor as a civilian, exactly which civilians wear bulletproof vests, plus our top picks of the latest and greatest civilian body armor out there. 

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Should You Buy Bulletproof Clothing?

Tailor and customer fitting dress vest in front of the mirror

Sales of bulletproof clothing that offer ballistic resistance have been dramatically increasing throughout the US. Some bulletproof clothing originally developed in Columbia where gun violence is commonplace has now become an entire industry in the US.

According to Grandview Research, civilian sales of body armor equals 7.4% of total sales approaching $5 billion USD worldwide. The Gun Violence Archive states that there have been 43,214 incidents of gun violence in the US in 2018 resulting in 10,931 deaths, 2,628 of them children under 17 years of age. 

With continually rising gun violence the US, bulletproof clothing has become a pertinent option for everyone.

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The Ultimate Ballistic Body Armor Guide For Preppers and Survivalists

Survivalist man carrying hiking gear

What if you wake up one morning to find an epidemic had broken out while you were sleeping? What if you suddenly find yourself with the world falling apart around you because of nuclear war or if the government fails and anarchy breaks loose, with neighbors attacking one another and everyone hoarding vital resources to themselves?

How would you survive scenarios such as these? This is when the survivalist or "prepper" in you comes into play, and as far as survival gear is concerned, body armor, such as bullet proof vests, is among the many things that you should definitely have with you.

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How to Prepare Your Children for an Active Shooter Situation

School Children Active Shooter Situation
Shootings have become more frequent recently which is a great cause of concern for many people, especially parents who see their children off to school every day and are not able to be near them 24/7. Preparing your children for the worst and teaching them how to react in dangerous situations may potentially save their lives.

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